White Collar Crime

Allegations of white collar crime require defence counsel experienced in both civil and criminal matters.

We understand how to defend clients against allegations of white collar crime. We also have deep understanding of securities and financial industries, as well as the related government and business regulations. And we understand the difference between negligence and criminal activity.

We defend individuals and executives against allegations of financial and other offences and have earned our reputation as some of the most tenacious and effective defence lawyers in the province.

Our lawyers represent many clients in proceedings before the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) and the BC Securities Commission (BCSC). Most of these matters are settled through negotiation that is unreported by regulatory bodies.


  • Defence against accusations of insider trading, large-scale fraud or tax evasion.
  • Assistance with cases involving misrepresentation in prospectuses, offerings, memorandums, assays, news releases and financial documents.
  • Defence against prosecution by securities regulation authorities.
  • Representation in allegations of market manipulation or fraudulent investment operations.

  • Representation in matters involving cross-border issues, and the investigation and prosecution of British Columbia residents by foreign authorities such as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
  • Prosecution and defence of elected and public officials.
  • Assistance with Medical Services Commission investigations.

Practice Group Partners

Owais Ahmed Partner
Michael Hewitt* Partner
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Typical Situations

An executive is accused of submitting false information regarding mineral exploration to a group of investors in a mining venture.

A corporate executive discusses workplace stresses with friends and family, who happen to own shares in the company he works for. Those he talks to subsequently sell all their shares. The executive is later accused of “tipping”.

A senior banking officer is accused of using her post to participate in an international money-laundering scheme.

Select Cases

Mining executive fraud

Defended a mining executive charged with fraud and altering assay results.

Fraud charges

Represented clients charged with major fraud.

Fine reduced by $1,400,000

Representing a Victoria-based mutual fund salesperson in an appeal of a $2 million fine imposed by the BC Securities Commission. The fine was reduced to $600,000.

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Need a Lawyer?
Get in touch with our white collar crime law group.