Jennifer Camara
Jennifer has diverse experience working on complex wills & estates files.
Jennifer is a paralegal supporting the lawyers in Harper Grey’s business law and wills & estates groups. She brings to her role more than 20 years’ experience in Trust and Estate Planning, in addition to her time in other legal fields. She is a full member of STEP Canada and was awarded her TEP designation in 2021.
Her work includes supporting sophisticated estate plans, complex trusts and wills, specialized powers of attorney and tax-driven wealth preservation structures. This often involves assisting her clients’ legal, accounting, banking, and investment team to ensure each part of the plan fits together. Jennifer has specific expertise assisting clients with the following:
• estate freeze / corporate re-organization trusts,
• alter ego and joint spousal trusts,
• multiple wills (for different assets or for different jurisdictions),
• testamentary trust planning with spousal trusts, child/generational trusts, residence trusts, and Henson (disability) trusts,
• joint asset and bare trust planning,
• enduring and limited powers of attorney; and
• customized Representation Agreements.
In addition to wealth preservation, Jennifer has worked at an engineering firm as the contract manager and sole internal legal point-of-contact, where she gained a solid foundation in many international design-related contracts. She has also spent some time as a corporate and confidentiality (NDA) paralegal for a multi-national alternative energy company, and 4 years at highly respected immigration firms.
Jennifer stays current and keeps improving her knowledge and skills through Continuing Legal Education, Bar Association, Law Society, and other courses.
- English
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