Posts tagged Appeals

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An individual board member may disclose confidential board information to their own lawyer on matters affecting them personally
An individual board member may disclose confidential board information to their own lawyer on matters affecting them personally An individual board member may disclose confidential board information to their own lawyer on matters affecting them personally
Veterinarian guilty of unprofessional conduct for non-compliant hydromorphone use
Veterinarian guilty of unprofessional conduct for non-compliant hydromorphone use Veterinarian guilty of unprofessional conduct for non-compliant hydromorphone use
Court of Appeal upholds $1.5M punitive damages award against disability insurer for bad faith as well as trial judge’s order of full indemnity costs to insured
Court of Appeal upholds $1.5M punitive damages award against disability insurer for bad faith as well as trial judge’s order of full indemnity costs to insured Court of Appeal upholds $1.5M punitive damages award against disability insurer for bad faith as well as trial judge’s order of full indemnity costs to insured
Compliance costs excluded under residential homeowners policy
Compliance costs excluded under residential homeowners policy Compliance costs excluded under residential homeowners policy
The Respondent, a pharmacist, had his license cancelled by the Appellant College of Pharmacists. The pharmacist successfully appealed this decision to a judge of the Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench. The College was unsuccessful in appealing the judge’s decision to the Manitoba Court of Appeal
The Respondent, a pharmacist, had his license cancelled by the Appellant College of Pharmacists. The pharmacist successfully appealed this decision to a judge of the Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench. The College was unsuccessful in appealing the judge’s decision to the Manitoba Court of Appeal The Respondent, a pharmacist, had his license cancelled by the Appellant College of Pharmacists. The pharmacist successfully appealed this decision to a judge of the Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench. The College was unsuccessful in appealing the judge’s decision to the Manitoba Court of Appeal
Court addresses application of principles governing judicial discipline
Court addresses application of principles governing judicial discipline Court addresses application of principles governing judicial discipline
BC Court of Appeal upholds Supreme Court decision to protect implied undertaking to the court
BC Court of Appeal upholds Supreme Court decision to protect implied undertaking to the court BC Court of Appeal upholds Supreme Court decision to protect implied undertaking to the court
The BC Human Rights Tribunal successfully appealed a decision of the BC Supreme Court and, in doing so, changed the legal test for family status discrimination in BC The BC Human Rights Tribunal successfully appealed a decision of the BC Supreme Court and, in doing so, changed the legal test for family status discrimination in BC
Municipalities permitted to restrict occupation by owners of rental units
Municipalities permitted to restrict occupation by owners of rental units Municipalities permitted to restrict occupation by owners of rental units
Don’t worry, you get more than one shot
Don’t worry, you get more than one shot Don’t worry, you get more than one shot
No coverage for assault with a knife during psychotic break
No coverage for assault with a knife during psychotic break No coverage for assault with a knife during psychotic break
Denied again – BC Court of Appeal dismisses second appeal from CRT decision Denied again – BC Court of Appeal dismisses second appeal from CRT decision
Exceptional circumstances required for court to intervene in administration proceeding before it is completed
Exceptional circumstances required for court to intervene in administration proceeding before it is completed Exceptional circumstances required for court to intervene in administration proceeding before it is completed
The words “within your dwelling” in an insurance policy are not synonymous with “inside your dwelling”
The words “within your dwelling” in an insurance policy are not synonymous with “inside your dwelling” The words “within your dwelling” in an insurance policy are not synonymous with “inside your dwelling”
Windfall from wildfire reduced covered loss
Windfall from wildfire reduced covered loss Windfall from wildfire reduced covered loss
Feels like the first time: defending under an occurrence-based policy for damage that could have happened anytime
Feels like the first time: defending under an occurrence-based policy for damage that could have happened anytime Feels like the first time: defending under an occurrence-based policy for damage that could have happened anytime
Judicial Review of Business Licensing Decision
Judicial Review of Business Licensing Decision Judicial Review of Business Licensing Decision
Court of Appeal finds gathering & events public health orders justified under Charter
Court of Appeal finds gathering & events public health orders justified under Charter Court of Appeal finds gathering & events public health orders justified under Charter
Dirt biker entitled to accident benefits from auto insurer where bike is not exempt from insurance requirements
Dirt biker entitled to accident benefits from auto insurer where bike is not exempt from insurance requirements Dirt biker entitled to accident benefits from auto insurer where bike is not exempt from insurance requirements
It’s too soon!
It’s too soon! It’s too soon!
Court of Appeal agrees it was not patently unreasonable for BC Human Rights Tribunal to summarily dismiss appellant’s discrimination complaint following his termination for using dating apps to hook up with male students on campus where he worked
Court of Appeal agrees it was not patently unreasonable for BC Human Rights Tribunal to summarily dismiss appellant’s discrimination complaint following his termination for using dating apps to hook up with male students on campus where he worked Court of Appeal agrees it was not patently unreasonable for BC Human Rights Tribunal to summarily dismiss appellant’s discrimination complaint following his termination for using dating apps to hook up with male students on campus where he worked
Small claims action dismissed after claimant’s failure to appear at settlement conference due to not seeing the notice of settlement conference in the mail during its COVID-related closure. Application to set that dismissal order aside was brought several months later and dismissed due to claimant’s lack of diligence
Small claims action dismissed after claimant’s failure to appear at settlement conference due to not seeing the notice of settlement conference in the mail during its COVID-related closure. Application to set that dismissal order aside was brought several months later and dismissed due to claimant’s lack of diligence Small claims action dismissed after claimant’s failure to appear at settlement conference due to not seeing the notice of settlement conference in the mail during its COVID-related closure. Application to set that dismissal order aside was brought several months later and dismissed due to claimant’s lack of diligence
Alberta Court of Appeal finds that the words “the Mortgagee” in standard mortgage clause in homeowner’s policy, while ambiguous, do not mean the actual mortgagee in circumstances where the insurer was misled about the actual lender and had no knowledge of same
Alberta Court of Appeal finds that the words “the Mortgagee” in standard mortgage clause in homeowner’s policy, while ambiguous, do not mean the actual mortgagee in circumstances where the insurer was misled about the actual lender and had no knowledge of same Alberta Court of Appeal finds that the words “the Mortgagee” in standard mortgage clause in homeowner’s policy, while ambiguous, do not mean the actual mortgagee in circumstances where the insurer was misled about the actual lender and had no knowledge of same
No Inordinate Delay for “Unbecoming” Saskatchewan Lawyer
No Inordinate Delay for “Unbecoming” Saskatchewan Lawyer No Inordinate Delay for “Unbecoming” Saskatchewan Lawyer
Two options to calculate compensation in lieu of reinstatement after unjust dismissal Two options to calculate compensation in lieu of reinstatement after unjust dismissal
A duty from mere possibilities
A duty from mere possibilities A duty from mere possibilities
Limit of liability for business losses applies to each business location
Limit of liability for business losses applies to each business location Limit of liability for business losses applies to each business location
Title insurer has a duty to defend insured subject to claim for damages Title insurer has a duty to defend insured subject to claim for damages
Freedom of religion not engaged in small-scale hydroelectric project Freedom of religion not engaged in small-scale hydroelectric project
One wrong word in a decision does not mean the decision was wrong One wrong word in a decision does not mean the decision was wrong
Insured not entitled to punitive damages or actual legal fees following an initial travel medical policy denial
Insured not entitled to punitive damages or actual legal fees following an initial travel medical policy denial Insured not entitled to punitive damages or actual legal fees following an initial travel medical policy denial
Court of Appeal confirms a municipal body’s interpretation of their statutory powers is reviewable on a reasonableness standard
Court of Appeal confirms a municipal body’s interpretation of their statutory powers is reviewable on a reasonableness standard Court of Appeal confirms a municipal body’s interpretation of their statutory powers is reviewable on a reasonableness standard
Public Sector Integrity Commissioner of Canada’s decision to refuse investigation into Canadian embassy involvement in foreign mining operations and criminal activity reasonable Public Sector Integrity Commissioner of Canada’s decision to refuse investigation into Canadian embassy involvement in foreign mining operations and criminal activity reasonable
Expression of preliminary findings by an administrative body does not necessarily indicate a reasonable apprehension of bias Expression of preliminary findings by an administrative body does not necessarily indicate a reasonable apprehension of bias
Promisor’s knowledge of facts is critical to proving promissory estoppel
Federal Court of Appeal upholds decision that the Minister of Health did not deny the appellant procedural fairness in refusing a natural health product license
Saskatchewan Court of Appeal holds University of Saskatchewan Council was bound by their own internal regulations and failure to follow the regulations in this instance lead to a finding of a denial of procedural fairness Saskatchewan Court of Appeal holds University of Saskatchewan Council was bound by their own internal regulations and failure to follow the regulations in this instance lead to a finding of a denial of procedural fairness
Insured had no expectation of privacy in relation to participation at case conference Insured had no expectation of privacy in relation to participation at case conference
Insured has burden of proof in application to reinstate accident benefits Insured has burden of proof in application to reinstate accident benefits
Ontario Court of Appeal Decision Likely to Resonate in Covidian Business Loss Claims
Ontario Court of Appeal Decision Likely to Resonate in Covidian Business Loss Claims Ontario Court of Appeal Decision Likely to Resonate in Covidian Business Loss Claims
Zoning Bylaw allows an automotive repair shop to store junked vehicles for the purposes of its business and parts inventory
Court refuses application for review on reasonableness standard as applicant had not exhausted right of appeal under relevant legislation
Court refuses application for review on reasonableness standard as applicant had not exhausted right of appeal under relevant legislation Court refuses application for review on reasonableness standard as applicant had not exhausted right of appeal under relevant legislation
Government employee attacks internal hiring decision without success Government employee attacks internal hiring decision without success
Court of Appeal finds ordinary meaning of “sudden and accidental” in insurance policy to be something that was “abrupt, unexpected and unintentional” and not bound by temporal constraints
Court of Appeal finds ordinary meaning of “sudden and accidental” in insurance policy to be something that was “abrupt, unexpected and unintentional” and not bound by temporal constraints Court of Appeal finds ordinary meaning of “sudden and accidental” in insurance policy to be something that was “abrupt, unexpected and unintentional” and not bound by temporal constraints
Did the appellant “promptly and completely” reply to the Law Society of Ontario (respondent) during an investigation into the appellant’s law firm that focused on the firm’s structure and referral fee practices?
Prevented from being able to practice: Ontario Court allowed an appeal from a decision of the registration committee of the Ontario Association of Architects granting the appellant a license but refusing to reinstate his certificate of practice
Determination of internal standard of review of an administrative tribunal following Vavilov Determination of internal standard of review of an administrative tribunal following Vavilov
Non-parties to an arbitration agreement were not bound by the agreement, but instead were bound by the Arbitration Act, 1991 S.O. 1991, c.17
Non-parties to an arbitration agreement were not bound by the agreement, but instead were bound by the Arbitration Act, 1991 S.O. 1991, c.17 Non-parties to an arbitration agreement were not bound by the agreement, but instead were bound by the Arbitration Act, 1991 S.O. 1991, c.17
Broker ordered to pay replacement cost where insured could not replace because of coverage denial
Broker ordered to pay replacement cost where insured could not replace because of coverage denial Broker ordered to pay replacement cost where insured could not replace because of coverage denial
Land and soil around insured home not insured based on policy language
Land and soil around insured home not insured based on policy language Land and soil around insured home not insured based on policy language
A principal’s isolated misconduct did not justify a demotion A principal’s isolated misconduct did not justify a demotion
You don’t get a second kick at the can – all evidence and issues one wishes to raise within administrative proceedings should be raised with the administrative decision-maker and may be disregarded by reviewing courts You don’t get a second kick at the can – all evidence and issues one wishes to raise within administrative proceedings should be raised with the administrative decision-maker and may be disregarded by reviewing courts