Posts tagged Automobile insurance

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Priority coverage dispute between insurance companies – someone’s got to pay!
Priority coverage dispute between insurance companies – someone’s got to pay! Priority coverage dispute between insurance companies – someone’s got to pay!
Coverage denied to driver and owner of ATV due to driver’s breach of license conditions, but granted for the owner by summary motion
Coverage denied to driver and owner of ATV due to driver’s breach of license conditions, but granted for the owner by summary motion Coverage denied to driver and owner of ATV due to driver’s breach of license conditions, but granted for the owner by summary motion
Court declines to interfere with arbitrator’s decision regarding reimbursement of accident benefits
Court declines to interfere with arbitrator’s decision regarding reimbursement of accident benefits Court declines to interfere with arbitrator’s decision regarding reimbursement of accident benefits
In Tompkins v. Meisters the appellants appealed a trial decision respecting the deductibility of certain “Part 7” benefits under s. 83 of the Insurance (Vehicle) Act
In Tompkins v. Meisters the appellants appealed a trial decision respecting the deductibility of certain “Part 7” benefits under s. 83 of the Insurance (Vehicle) Act In Tompkins v. Meisters the appellants appealed a trial decision respecting the deductibility of certain “Part 7” benefits under s. 83 of the Insurance (Vehicle) Act
Insureds beware: Fib not, lest you forfeit entirely your right to indemnity
Insureds beware: Fib not, lest you forfeit entirely your right to indemnity Insureds beware: Fib not, lest you forfeit entirely your right to indemnity
Once and for all: a definition for a term that appears in an insurance policy applies to the same term appearing in an excess endorsement unless the endorsement explicitly modifies the definition
Once and for all: a definition for a term that appears in an insurance policy applies to the same term appearing in an excess endorsement unless the endorsement explicitly modifies the definition Once and for all: a definition for a term that appears in an insurance policy applies to the same term appearing in an excess endorsement unless the endorsement explicitly modifies the definition
Dirt biker entitled to accident benefits from auto insurer where bike is not exempt from insurance requirements
Dirt biker entitled to accident benefits from auto insurer where bike is not exempt from insurance requirements Dirt biker entitled to accident benefits from auto insurer where bike is not exempt from insurance requirements
No uninsured motorist coverage for passenger in stolen vehicle
No uninsured motorist coverage for passenger in stolen vehicle No uninsured motorist coverage for passenger in stolen vehicle
Limitation period in SEF Family Protection Endorsement does not commence until final judgment or settlement of underlying claim
Limitation period in SEF Family Protection Endorsement does not commence until final judgment or settlement of underlying claim Limitation period in SEF Family Protection Endorsement does not commence until final judgment or settlement of underlying claim
Promisor’s knowledge of facts is critical to proving promissory estoppel
Insurer’s statutory right to an examination under oath authorizes an insurer to obtain information relevant to assessing its contractual obligations; it is not intended to permit insurers to embark on fishing expeditions or “take blind shots in the dark.”
Insurer’s statutory right to an examination under oath authorizes an insurer to obtain information relevant to assessing its contractual obligations; it is not intended to permit insurers to embark on fishing expeditions or “take blind shots in the dark.” Insurer’s statutory right to an examination under oath authorizes an insurer to obtain information relevant to assessing its contractual obligations; it is not intended to permit insurers to embark on fishing expeditions or “take blind shots in the dark.”
Insurer entitled to partially deduct Part 7 medication expenses from cost of care award Insurer entitled to partially deduct Part 7 medication expenses from cost of care award
Insured had no expectation of privacy in relation to participation at case conference Insured had no expectation of privacy in relation to participation at case conference
Insured has burden of proof in application to reinstate accident benefits Insured has burden of proof in application to reinstate accident benefits
Accident benefits to the detriment of the insured
Accident benefits to the detriment of the insured Accident benefits to the detriment of the insured
Insurer found to have breached duty of utmost good faith by volunteering information from insured’s statement to the police
Car rental company’s policy applies in priority over employer’s non-owned policy in car accident injury case in BC
Car rental company’s policy applies in priority over employer’s non-owned policy in car accident injury case in BC Car rental company’s policy applies in priority over employer’s non-owned policy in car accident injury case in BC
Insured denied defence due to failure to disclose business use of motor vehicle Insured denied defence due to failure to disclose business use of motor vehicle
Insured’s claim for uninsured motorist coverage denied on the basis of fraudulent claim for disability benefits under same policy Insured’s claim for uninsured motorist coverage denied on the basis of fraudulent claim for disability benefits under same policy
Occasional payments from an acquaintance did not exclude coverage after the insured’s vehicle was stolen at gunpoint Occasional payments from an acquaintance did not exclude coverage after the insured’s vehicle was stolen at gunpoint
Punitive damages not necessary where fraudsters sufficiently punished by damages and costs awards
Punitive damages not necessary where fraudsters sufficiently punished by damages and costs awards Punitive damages not necessary where fraudsters sufficiently punished by damages and costs awards
Complementary insurance policies: Auto insurer did not have standing to bring an application against a personal insurer, with respect to a social event & motor vehicle accident claim