Posts tagged Evidence

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No by-law coverage for undamaged portions of an elevator shaft
No by-law coverage for undamaged portions of an elevator shaft No by-law coverage for undamaged portions of an elevator shaft
A battle between experts is to be fought in a trial proper: conflicts in expert evidence weigh against suitability for summary trial
A battle between experts is to be fought in a trial proper: conflicts in expert evidence weigh against suitability for summary trial A battle between experts is to be fought in a trial proper: conflicts in expert evidence weigh against suitability for summary trial
Proof of a material change in risk due to alleged affiliation with criminals requires evidence going beyond speculation
Proof of a material change in risk due to alleged affiliation with criminals requires evidence going beyond speculation Proof of a material change in risk due to alleged affiliation with criminals requires evidence going beyond speculation
HRT’s decision to summarily dismiss complaint set aside in part because of its failure to consider new medical evidence about complainant’s diagnosis that had been provided after the employer’s impugned decisions had been made
HRT’s decision to summarily dismiss complaint set aside in part because of its failure to consider new medical evidence about complainant’s diagnosis that had been provided after the employer’s impugned decisions had been made HRT’s decision to summarily dismiss complaint set aside in part because of its failure to consider new medical evidence about complainant’s diagnosis that had been provided after the employer’s impugned decisions had been made
Impossibility of Compliance Defence – Mount Polley’s attempt at avoiding contravention of its permit
Impossibility of Compliance Defence – Mount Polley’s attempt at avoiding contravention of its permit Impossibility of Compliance Defence – Mount Polley’s attempt at avoiding contravention of its permit
Court upholds decision of the WCAT dismissing appeal for the failure to file claim application within the one-year limitation period
Court upholds decision of the Human Rights Commissioner that concluded there was insufficient evidentiary basis to move the complaint to a tribunal hearing
I take it back! In certain circumstances, an administrative body can correct a breach in procedural fairness by reopening the relevant decision
I take it back! In certain circumstances, an administrative body can correct a breach in procedural fairness by reopening the relevant decision I take it back! In certain circumstances, an administrative body can correct a breach in procedural fairness by reopening the relevant decision
The case of the missing dollar: Arbitrator’s decision found procedurally unfair after reversing burden of proof
The case of the missing dollar: Arbitrator’s decision found procedurally unfair after reversing burden of proof The case of the missing dollar: Arbitrator’s decision found procedurally unfair after reversing burden of proof
Finding of professional misconduct reversed on basis that College failed to specific elements of allegation in citation Finding of professional misconduct reversed on basis that College failed to specific elements of allegation in citation
Residential Tenancy Branch decision failed to adequately articulate the reasons for its decision and the matter was remitted back to the Residential Tenancy Branch
Don’t lose sight of the forest for the trees when considering a duty to defend
Don’t lose sight of the forest for the trees when considering a duty to defend Don’t lose sight of the forest for the trees when considering a duty to defend
Court confirms no breach of procedural fairness rights in party not being able to cross-examine witness when party had not specifically requested to do so
Court confirms no breach of procedural fairness rights in party not being able to cross-examine witness when party had not specifically requested to do so Court confirms no breach of procedural fairness rights in party not being able to cross-examine witness when party had not specifically requested to do so