Posts tagged Investigations

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The Respondent, a pharmacist, had his license cancelled by the Appellant College of Pharmacists. The pharmacist successfully appealed this decision to a judge of the Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench. The College was unsuccessful in appealing the judge’s decision to the Manitoba Court of Appeal
The Respondent, a pharmacist, had his license cancelled by the Appellant College of Pharmacists. The pharmacist successfully appealed this decision to a judge of the Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench. The College was unsuccessful in appealing the judge’s decision to the Manitoba Court of Appeal The Respondent, a pharmacist, had his license cancelled by the Appellant College of Pharmacists. The pharmacist successfully appealed this decision to a judge of the Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench. The College was unsuccessful in appealing the judge’s decision to the Manitoba Court of Appeal
BC Court of Appeal upholds Supreme Court decision to protect implied undertaking to the court
BC Court of Appeal upholds Supreme Court decision to protect implied undertaking to the court BC Court of Appeal upholds Supreme Court decision to protect implied undertaking to the court
Physician’s application for review of the College’s decision to first restrict her practice then suspend her was dismissed. The physician’s patients were held to not have standing in the proceedings and a publication ban over certain information was granted
Physician’s application for review of the College’s decision to first restrict her practice then suspend her was dismissed. The physician’s patients were held to not have standing in the proceedings and a publication ban over certain information was granted Physician’s application for review of the College’s decision to first restrict her practice then suspend her was dismissed. The physician’s patients were held to not have standing in the proceedings and a publication ban over certain information was granted
Know your limits – review board cannot dictate process to College Know your limits – review board cannot dictate process to College
You make the rules, or else you have to play fair: a society is entitled to create its own procedures, and in doing so may violate some principles of natural justice, as long as it does so expressly in its bylaws
You make the rules, or else you have to play fair: a society is entitled to create its own procedures, and in doing so may violate some principles of natural justice, as long as it does so expressly in its bylaws You make the rules, or else you have to play fair: a society is entitled to create its own procedures, and in doing so may violate some principles of natural justice, as long as it does so expressly in its bylaws
Public Sector Integrity Commissioner of Canada’s decision to refuse investigation into Canadian embassy involvement in foreign mining operations and criminal activity reasonable Public Sector Integrity Commissioner of Canada’s decision to refuse investigation into Canadian embassy involvement in foreign mining operations and criminal activity reasonable
No harm, no foul.  Where a breach of procedural fairness has been established, the Court will not find there was a reviewable error unless the breach affected the outcome
No harm, no foul.  Where a breach of procedural fairness has been established, the Court will not find there was a reviewable error unless the breach affected the outcome No harm, no foul. Where a breach of procedural fairness has been established, the Court will not find there was a reviewable error unless the breach affected the outcome
Did the appellant “promptly and completely” reply to the Law Society of Ontario (respondent) during an investigation into the appellant’s law firm that focused on the firm’s structure and referral fee practices?
It’s all fair game: the scope of an investigation ordered pursuant to British Columbia Law Society Rule 4-55 encompasses a broad investigation of the member’s entire legal practice and is not limited to the concerns that triggered the investigation
It’s all fair game: the scope of an investigation ordered pursuant to British Columbia Law Society Rule 4-55 encompasses a broad investigation of the member’s entire legal practice and is not limited to the concerns that triggered the investigation It’s all fair game: the scope of an investigation ordered pursuant to British Columbia Law Society Rule 4-55 encompasses a broad investigation of the member’s entire legal practice and is not limited to the concerns that triggered the investigation