Posts tagged Judicial review application

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The Ontario Superior Court of Justice reasserts that save for rare and exceptional cases, judicial reviews will be rejected as premature when brought in the middle of administrative proceedings
The Ontario Superior Court of Justice reasserts that save for rare and exceptional cases, judicial reviews will be rejected as premature when brought in the middle of administrative proceedings The Ontario Superior Court of Justice reasserts that save for rare and exceptional cases, judicial reviews will be rejected as premature when brought in the middle of administrative proceedings
Schooled by the BCSC for Prematurity
Schooled by the BCSC for Prematurity Schooled by the BCSC for Prematurity
I take it back! In certain circumstances, an administrative body can correct a breach in procedural fairness by reopening the relevant decision
I take it back! In certain circumstances, an administrative body can correct a breach in procedural fairness by reopening the relevant decision I take it back! In certain circumstances, an administrative body can correct a breach in procedural fairness by reopening the relevant decision
The respondent, Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan (HOPP), made a successful application to quash the applicant’s application for judicial review The respondent, Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan (HOPP), made a successful application to quash the applicant’s application for judicial review
Reviewable Decisions – The conundrum of determining whether a decision is subject to judicial review Reviewable Decisions – The conundrum of determining whether a decision is subject to judicial review
Court upholds penalties for a City Councillor who sexually harassed a colleague Court upholds penalties for a City Councillor who sexually harassed a colleague
Judicial review prior to conclusion of administrative proceeding not allowed on allegation of bias alone
Judicial review prior to conclusion of administrative proceeding not allowed on allegation of bias alone Judicial review prior to conclusion of administrative proceeding not allowed on allegation of bias alone
Facts are facts – where an administrative body’s rules create a strict liability offence, the fact of the offence results in liability. There is no liability defence of due diligence available Facts are facts – where an administrative body’s rules create a strict liability offence, the fact of the offence results in liability. There is no liability defence of due diligence available
You don’t get a second kick at the can – all evidence and issues one wishes to raise within administrative proceedings should be raised with the administrative decision-maker and may be disregarded by reviewing courts You don’t get a second kick at the can – all evidence and issues one wishes to raise within administrative proceedings should be raised with the administrative decision-maker and may be disregarded by reviewing courts