Posts tagged Legislative compliance

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Veterinarian guilty of unprofessional conduct for non-compliant hydromorphone use
Veterinarian guilty of unprofessional conduct for non-compliant hydromorphone use Veterinarian guilty of unprofessional conduct for non-compliant hydromorphone use
Utilities Commission breached its duty of procedural fairness when making a significant policy change without adequate notice of that potential change
Utilities Commission breached its duty of procedural fairness when making a significant policy change without adequate notice of that potential change Utilities Commission breached its duty of procedural fairness when making a significant policy change without adequate notice of that potential change
A professional’s Charter right to freedom of expression falls short against his professional obligations in protecting him from undergoing mandatory training to remediate his public statements
A professional’s Charter right to freedom of expression falls short against his professional obligations in protecting him from undergoing mandatory training to remediate his public statements A professional’s Charter right to freedom of expression falls short against his professional obligations in protecting him from undergoing mandatory training to remediate his public statements
The applicant/appellant physician, Dr. Fialkov, was unsuccessful in seeking judicial review of a decision made by the Health Services Appeal and Review Board (HPARB). The HPARB dismissed Dr. Fialkov’s appeal from a decision of the Ministry of Health. The Ministry had decided that Dr. Fialkov improperly charged a patient for an insured service
The applicant/appellant physician, Dr. Fialkov, was unsuccessful in seeking judicial review of a decision made by the Health Services Appeal and Review Board (HPARB). The HPARB dismissed Dr. Fialkov’s appeal from a decision of the Ministry of Health. The Ministry had decided that Dr. Fialkov improperly charged a patient for an insured service The applicant/appellant physician, Dr. Fialkov, was unsuccessful in seeking judicial review of a decision made by the Health Services Appeal and Review Board (HPARB). The HPARB dismissed Dr. Fialkov’s appeal from a decision of the Ministry of Health. The Ministry had decided that Dr. Fialkov improperly charged a patient for an insured service
The Law Society of Ontario can refuse a licence application after the licence has already been issued where the applicant made a false or misleading representation on the application
The Law Society of Ontario can refuse a licence application after the licence has already been issued where the applicant made a false or misleading representation on the application The Law Society of Ontario can refuse a licence application after the licence has already been issued where the applicant made a false or misleading representation on the application
The BC Human Rights Tribunal successfully appealed a decision of the BC Supreme Court and, in doing so, changed the legal test for family status discrimination in BC The BC Human Rights Tribunal successfully appealed a decision of the BC Supreme Court and, in doing so, changed the legal test for family status discrimination in BC
Municipalities permitted to restrict occupation by owners of rental units
Municipalities permitted to restrict occupation by owners of rental units Municipalities permitted to restrict occupation by owners of rental units
Judicial review of a decision of the Civil Resolution Tribunal (“CRT”) in the exercise of its jurisdiction over strata property disputes
Judicial review of a decision of the Civil Resolution Tribunal (“CRT”) in the exercise of its jurisdiction over strata property disputes Judicial review of a decision of the Civil Resolution Tribunal (“CRT”) in the exercise of its jurisdiction over strata property disputes
Government compliance with the reporting requirements under the Climate Change Accountability Act, S.B.C. 2007, c. 42 is justiciable
Government compliance with the reporting requirements under the Climate Change Accountability Act, S.B.C. 2007, c. 42 is justiciable Government compliance with the reporting requirements under the Climate Change Accountability Act, S.B.C. 2007, c. 42 is justiciable
The Province does not need to prove fire control efforts were necessary or effective to recover such costs under the Wildfire Act
The Province does not need to prove fire control efforts were necessary or effective to recover such costs under the Wildfire Act The Province does not need to prove fire control efforts were necessary or effective to recover such costs under the Wildfire Act
Court of Appeal upheld Mental Health Review Board’s decision that the petitioner continued to meet the criteria for involuntary detention under the Mental Health Act
Court of Appeal upheld Mental Health Review Board’s decision that the petitioner continued to meet the criteria for involuntary detention under the Mental Health Act Court of Appeal upheld Mental Health Review Board’s decision that the petitioner continued to meet the criteria for involuntary detention under the Mental Health Act
The Supreme Court of Canada established a new category of cases to which the correctness standard of review applies
The Supreme Court of Canada established a new category of cases to which the correctness standard of review applies The Supreme Court of Canada established a new category of cases to which the correctness standard of review applies
Court upholds decision of the WCAT dismissing appeal for the failure to file claim application within the one-year limitation period
Court of Appeal confirms a municipal body’s interpretation of their statutory powers is reviewable on a reasonableness standard
Court of Appeal confirms a municipal body’s interpretation of their statutory powers is reviewable on a reasonableness standard Court of Appeal confirms a municipal body’s interpretation of their statutory powers is reviewable on a reasonableness standard
I take it back! In certain circumstances, an administrative body can correct a breach in procedural fairness by reopening the relevant decision
I take it back! In certain circumstances, an administrative body can correct a breach in procedural fairness by reopening the relevant decision I take it back! In certain circumstances, an administrative body can correct a breach in procedural fairness by reopening the relevant decision
A principal’s isolated misconduct did not justify a demotion A principal’s isolated misconduct did not justify a demotion