Posts tagged Liability Insurance

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No duty to defend the insured for claims arising out of prior litigation
No duty to defend the insured for claims arising out of prior litigation No duty to defend the insured for claims arising out of prior litigation
BC Court has jurisdiction for coverage dispute between American company and American insurer
BC Court has jurisdiction for coverage dispute between American company and American insurer BC Court has jurisdiction for coverage dispute between American company and American insurer
No coverage for claim that was reasonably foreseeable prior to inception of claims made policy
No coverage for claim that was reasonably foreseeable prior to inception of claims made policy No coverage for claim that was reasonably foreseeable prior to inception of claims made policy
Wrap up has duty to defend actions alleging defects in curtain-wall system
Coverage dried up for desiccant supplier
Coverage dried up for desiccant supplier Coverage dried up for desiccant supplier
A duty from mere possibilities
A duty from mere possibilities A duty from mere possibilities
Unclear warranty results in insurer owing a duty to defend a lawsuit for Mud Bog Event injury
Broker not allowed third party claim where coverage should be decided in separate proceeding
Broker not allowed third party claim where coverage should be decided in separate proceeding Broker not allowed third party claim where coverage should be decided in separate proceeding
Duty to defend for property damage claim less than deductible
Duty to defend for property damage claim less than deductible Duty to defend for property damage claim less than deductible
The tort of intrusion upon seclusion is not accidental
Slippery slope not expected or intended Slippery slope not expected or intended
Wrapping up the duty to defend Wrapping up the duty to defend
Ambiguous exclusions are meaningless Ambiguous exclusions are meaningless
No policy limit for mitigation of loss coverage No policy limit for mitigation of loss coverage
Subcontractor owes duty to indemnify and defend despite contractor’s obligation to obtain wrap up liability insurance for subcontractors
Beware of the foul ball
Beware of the foul ball Beware of the foul ball
The written word carries the day
The written word carries the day The written word carries the day