Posts tagged Physicians and surgeons

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The applicant/appellant physician, Dr. Fialkov, was unsuccessful in seeking judicial review of a decision made by the Health Services Appeal and Review Board (HPARB). The HPARB dismissed Dr. Fialkov’s appeal from a decision of the Ministry of Health. The Ministry had decided that Dr. Fialkov improperly charged a patient for an insured service
The applicant/appellant physician, Dr. Fialkov, was unsuccessful in seeking judicial review of a decision made by the Health Services Appeal and Review Board (HPARB). The HPARB dismissed Dr. Fialkov’s appeal from a decision of the Ministry of Health. The Ministry had decided that Dr. Fialkov improperly charged a patient for an insured service The applicant/appellant physician, Dr. Fialkov, was unsuccessful in seeking judicial review of a decision made by the Health Services Appeal and Review Board (HPARB). The HPARB dismissed Dr. Fialkov’s appeal from a decision of the Ministry of Health. The Ministry had decided that Dr. Fialkov improperly charged a patient for an insured service
Court of Appeal finds gathering & events public health orders justified under Charter
Court of Appeal finds gathering & events public health orders justified under Charter Court of Appeal finds gathering & events public health orders justified under Charter
Physician’s application for review of the College’s decision to first restrict her practice then suspend her was dismissed. The physician’s patients were held to not have standing in the proceedings and a publication ban over certain information was granted
Physician’s application for review of the College’s decision to first restrict her practice then suspend her was dismissed. The physician’s patients were held to not have standing in the proceedings and a publication ban over certain information was granted Physician’s application for review of the College’s decision to first restrict her practice then suspend her was dismissed. The physician’s patients were held to not have standing in the proceedings and a publication ban over certain information was granted
Court dismisses appeal of physician seeking to overturn decision to not renew privileges
You make the rules, or else you have to play fair: a society is entitled to create its own procedures, and in doing so may violate some principles of natural justice, as long as it does so expressly in its bylaws
You make the rules, or else you have to play fair: a society is entitled to create its own procedures, and in doing so may violate some principles of natural justice, as long as it does so expressly in its bylaws You make the rules, or else you have to play fair: a society is entitled to create its own procedures, and in doing so may violate some principles of natural justice, as long as it does so expressly in its bylaws
No harm, no foul.  Where a breach of procedural fairness has been established, the Court will not find there was a reviewable error unless the breach affected the outcome
No harm, no foul.  Where a breach of procedural fairness has been established, the Court will not find there was a reviewable error unless the breach affected the outcome No harm, no foul. Where a breach of procedural fairness has been established, the Court will not find there was a reviewable error unless the breach affected the outcome
College’s decision to terminate physician’s assessment was reasonable given concerns about patient safety
College’s decision to terminate physician’s assessment was reasonable given concerns about patient safety College’s decision to terminate physician’s assessment was reasonable given concerns about patient safety
Court rules public health order banning indoor religious gatherings are a justified infringement on Charter rights to freedom of religion and expression
Court rules public health order banning indoor religious gatherings are a justified infringement on Charter rights to freedom of religion and expression Court rules public health order banning indoor religious gatherings are a justified infringement on Charter rights to freedom of religion and expression
Court upholds revocation of physician’s licence after repeated care and conduct concerns over a lengthy period of time
Reasonable for panel to sanction medical student for leaving medical records in a dumpster
Reasonable for panel to sanction medical student for leaving medical records in a dumpster Reasonable for panel to sanction medical student for leaving medical records in a dumpster