Posts tagged Procedural requirements and fairness

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Judicial Review is not a venue for vindication
Judicial Review is not a venue for vindication Judicial Review is not a venue for vindication
A party may raise a procedural fairness issue for the first time on judicial review where that party could not reasonably have identified and raised the issue before the original decision-maker
A party may raise a procedural fairness issue for the first time on judicial review where that party could not reasonably have identified and raised the issue before the original decision-maker A party may raise a procedural fairness issue for the first time on judicial review where that party could not reasonably have identified and raised the issue before the original decision-maker
The next time Vancouver’s Fire Chief seeks to remove the shelters the occupants of Hastings Block erect, procedural fairness demands that notice of this plan and an opportunity for the occupants to provide submissions to the Fire Chief must be provided
The next time Vancouver’s Fire Chief seeks to remove the shelters the occupants of Hastings Block erect, procedural fairness demands that notice of this plan and an opportunity for the occupants to provide submissions to the Fire Chief must be provided The next time Vancouver’s Fire Chief seeks to remove the shelters the occupants of Hastings Block erect, procedural fairness demands that notice of this plan and an opportunity for the occupants to provide submissions to the Fire Chief must be provided
Ontario Superior Court of Justice finds School Board appropriately balanced public member’s Charter right to freedom of expression with its bylaws in its decision to prevent further presentation on topics that it deemed could violate human rights legislation and its policies
Ontario Superior Court of Justice finds School Board appropriately balanced public member’s Charter right to freedom of expression with its bylaws in its decision to prevent further presentation on topics that it deemed could violate human rights legislation and its policies Ontario Superior Court of Justice finds School Board appropriately balanced public member’s Charter right to freedom of expression with its bylaws in its decision to prevent further presentation on topics that it deemed could violate human rights legislation and its policies
Utilities Commission breached its duty of procedural fairness when making a significant policy change without adequate notice of that potential change
Utilities Commission breached its duty of procedural fairness when making a significant policy change without adequate notice of that potential change Utilities Commission breached its duty of procedural fairness when making a significant policy change without adequate notice of that potential change
No breach of procedural fairness where a lawyer had an opportunity to provide submissions on costs, but did not do so
No breach of procedural fairness where a lawyer had an opportunity to provide submissions on costs, but did not do so No breach of procedural fairness where a lawyer had an opportunity to provide submissions on costs, but did not do so
Fishing association did not have standing to advance argument that Minister of Fisheries and Oceans breached its constitutional duty to consult with Indigenous stakeholders before making decision to geographically divide a lobster fishing area in Atlantic Ocean
Fishing association did not have standing to advance argument that Minister of Fisheries and Oceans breached its constitutional duty to consult with Indigenous stakeholders before making decision to geographically divide a lobster fishing area in Atlantic Ocean Fishing association did not have standing to advance argument that Minister of Fisheries and Oceans breached its constitutional duty to consult with Indigenous stakeholders before making decision to geographically divide a lobster fishing area in Atlantic Ocean
Application for judicial review of a human rights tribunal decision was dismissed because the tribunal’s decision showed a rational chain of analysis
Application for judicial review of a human rights tribunal decision was dismissed because the tribunal’s decision showed a rational chain of analysis Application for judicial review of a human rights tribunal decision was dismissed because the tribunal’s decision showed a rational chain of analysis
City of Toronto meets procedural fairness obligations under Fair Wage Policy
City of Toronto meets procedural fairness obligations under Fair Wage Policy City of Toronto meets procedural fairness obligations under Fair Wage Policy
Judge upholds $500,000 penalty for failure to comply with the Container Trucking Act
Judge upholds $500,000 penalty for failure to comply with the Container Trucking Act Judge upholds $500,000 penalty for failure to comply with the Container Trucking Act
When breaches of procedural fairness can be cured by a de novo appeal, there is no sound reason for a judicial review to consider issues arising from the procedural fairness of the decision at first instance
When breaches of procedural fairness can be cured by a de novo appeal, there is no sound reason for a judicial review to consider issues arising from the procedural fairness of the decision at first instance When breaches of procedural fairness can be cured by a de novo appeal, there is no sound reason for a judicial review to consider issues arising from the procedural fairness of the decision at first instance
The Respondent, a pharmacist, had his license cancelled by the Appellant College of Pharmacists. The pharmacist successfully appealed this decision to a judge of the Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench. The College was unsuccessful in appealing the judge’s decision to the Manitoba Court of Appeal
The Respondent, a pharmacist, had his license cancelled by the Appellant College of Pharmacists. The pharmacist successfully appealed this decision to a judge of the Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench. The College was unsuccessful in appealing the judge’s decision to the Manitoba Court of Appeal The Respondent, a pharmacist, had his license cancelled by the Appellant College of Pharmacists. The pharmacist successfully appealed this decision to a judge of the Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench. The College was unsuccessful in appealing the judge’s decision to the Manitoba Court of Appeal
The Law Society of Ontario can refuse a licence application after the licence has already been issued where the applicant made a false or misleading representation on the application
The Law Society of Ontario can refuse a licence application after the licence has already been issued where the applicant made a false or misleading representation on the application The Law Society of Ontario can refuse a licence application after the licence has already been issued where the applicant made a false or misleading representation on the application
Airbnb succeeds in quashing IPC’s order concerning public disclosure of Vancouver hosts’ personal addresses as potential risks of disclosure not reasonably considered
Airbnb succeeds in quashing IPC’s order concerning public disclosure of Vancouver hosts’ personal addresses as potential risks of disclosure not reasonably considered Airbnb succeeds in quashing IPC’s order concerning public disclosure of Vancouver hosts’ personal addresses as potential risks of disclosure not reasonably considered
Procedural Fairness in Reconsideration Decisions
Procedural Fairness in Reconsideration Decisions Procedural Fairness in Reconsideration Decisions
Court addresses application of principles governing judicial discipline
Court addresses application of principles governing judicial discipline Court addresses application of principles governing judicial discipline
The Applicant, a Justice of the Peace, unsuccessfully sought judicial review of a decision from the Respondent, Justices of the Peace Review Council. The Council found her guilty of judicial misconduct and recommended that she be removed from judicial office The Applicant, a Justice of the Peace, unsuccessfully sought judicial review of a decision from the Respondent, Justices of the Peace Review Council. The Council found her guilty of judicial misconduct and recommended that she be removed from judicial office
Landlord who failed to move into her condo after evicting her tenant due to a change of moving plans arising out of the COVID-19 pandemic was ordered to pay the tenant a full year’s rent in compensation
Landlord who failed to move into her condo after evicting her tenant due to a change of moving plans arising out of the COVID-19 pandemic was ordered to pay the tenant a full year’s rent in compensation Landlord who failed to move into her condo after evicting her tenant due to a change of moving plans arising out of the COVID-19 pandemic was ordered to pay the tenant a full year’s rent in compensation
HRT’s decision to summarily dismiss complaint set aside in part because of its failure to consider new medical evidence about complainant’s diagnosis that had been provided after the employer’s impugned decisions had been made
HRT’s decision to summarily dismiss complaint set aside in part because of its failure to consider new medical evidence about complainant’s diagnosis that had been provided after the employer’s impugned decisions had been made HRT’s decision to summarily dismiss complaint set aside in part because of its failure to consider new medical evidence about complainant’s diagnosis that had been provided after the employer’s impugned decisions had been made
Decision by the Health Professions Review Board was set aside on the basis that the panel chair’s findings on the adequacy of the underlying investigation were patently unreasonable and the registrar’s underlying dispositions were reasonable
Decision by the Health Professions Review Board was set aside on the basis that the panel chair’s findings on the adequacy of the underlying investigation were patently unreasonable and the registrar’s underlying dispositions were reasonable Decision by the Health Professions Review Board was set aside on the basis that the panel chair’s findings on the adequacy of the underlying investigation were patently unreasonable and the registrar’s underlying dispositions were reasonable
Landlord and Tenant Board’s decision to order a de novo hearing following the departure of their panel member was procedurally unfair in the circumstances
Landlord and Tenant Board’s decision to order a de novo hearing following the departure of their panel member was procedurally unfair in the circumstances Landlord and Tenant Board’s decision to order a de novo hearing following the departure of their panel member was procedurally unfair in the circumstances
Judicial review of a decision of the Civil Resolution Tribunal (“CRT”) in the exercise of its jurisdiction over strata property disputes
Judicial review of a decision of the Civil Resolution Tribunal (“CRT”) in the exercise of its jurisdiction over strata property disputes Judicial review of a decision of the Civil Resolution Tribunal (“CRT”) in the exercise of its jurisdiction over strata property disputes
Denied again – BC Court of Appeal dismisses second appeal from CRT decision Denied again – BC Court of Appeal dismisses second appeal from CRT decision
BC Supreme Court finds that if an administrative decision-maker is going to veer off its typical course in a decision, it needs to provide sufficient reasons to explain and justify its departure from the norm
BC Supreme Court finds that if an administrative decision-maker is going to veer off its typical course in a decision, it needs to provide sufficient reasons to explain and justify its departure from the norm BC Supreme Court finds that if an administrative decision-maker is going to veer off its typical course in a decision, it needs to provide sufficient reasons to explain and justify its departure from the norm
Judicial Review of Business Licensing Decision
Judicial Review of Business Licensing Decision Judicial Review of Business Licensing Decision
University Held to Task on Procedural Fairness
University Held to Task on Procedural Fairness University Held to Task on Procedural Fairness
Court dismisses appeal of physician seeking to overturn decision to not renew privileges
Court dismisses two appeals arguing that the LAT was biased and denied procedural fairness
No Inordinate Delay for “Unbecoming” Saskatchewan Lawyer
No Inordinate Delay for “Unbecoming” Saskatchewan Lawyer No Inordinate Delay for “Unbecoming” Saskatchewan Lawyer
Petition for judicial review struck as improper attack on administrative proceedings
Petition for judicial review struck as improper attack on administrative proceedings Petition for judicial review struck as improper attack on administrative proceedings
Two options to calculate compensation in lieu of reinstatement after unjust dismissal Two options to calculate compensation in lieu of reinstatement after unjust dismissal
Stay in your own lane: when asked to review a decision of an administrative tribunal, the Court ought to decline jurisdiction where there is another process available that is more appropriate to the adjudication of the claim
Stay in your own lane: when asked to review a decision of an administrative tribunal, the Court ought to decline jurisdiction where there is another process available that is more appropriate to the adjudication of the claim Stay in your own lane: when asked to review a decision of an administrative tribunal, the Court ought to decline jurisdiction where there is another process available that is more appropriate to the adjudication of the claim
You make the rules, or else you have to play fair: a society is entitled to create its own procedures, and in doing so may violate some principles of natural justice, as long as it does so expressly in its bylaws
You make the rules, or else you have to play fair: a society is entitled to create its own procedures, and in doing so may violate some principles of natural justice, as long as it does so expressly in its bylaws You make the rules, or else you have to play fair: a society is entitled to create its own procedures, and in doing so may violate some principles of natural justice, as long as it does so expressly in its bylaws
Court upholds decision of the WCAT dismissing appeal for the failure to file claim application within the one-year limitation period
Court dismisses appeal from an LTB decision on the grounds that there was no procedural unfairness or injustice in the result
Disgruntled Strata Owner Takes a Loss
Disgruntled Strata Owner Takes a Loss Disgruntled Strata Owner Takes a Loss
Small Town Politics Gone Astray – Mayor denied procedural fairness after veiled attempted by Council to censure
Small Town Politics Gone Astray – Mayor denied procedural fairness after veiled attempted by Council to censure Small Town Politics Gone Astray – Mayor denied procedural fairness after veiled attempted by Council to censure
Public Sector Integrity Commissioner of Canada’s decision to refuse investigation into Canadian embassy involvement in foreign mining operations and criminal activity reasonable Public Sector Integrity Commissioner of Canada’s decision to refuse investigation into Canadian embassy involvement in foreign mining operations and criminal activity reasonable
No harm, no foul.  Where a breach of procedural fairness has been established, the Court will not find there was a reviewable error unless the breach affected the outcome
No harm, no foul.  Where a breach of procedural fairness has been established, the Court will not find there was a reviewable error unless the breach affected the outcome No harm, no foul. Where a breach of procedural fairness has been established, the Court will not find there was a reviewable error unless the breach affected the outcome
I take it back! In certain circumstances, an administrative body can correct a breach in procedural fairness by reopening the relevant decision
I take it back! In certain circumstances, an administrative body can correct a breach in procedural fairness by reopening the relevant decision I take it back! In certain circumstances, an administrative body can correct a breach in procedural fairness by reopening the relevant decision
The case of the missing dollar: Arbitrator’s decision found procedurally unfair after reversing burden of proof
The case of the missing dollar: Arbitrator’s decision found procedurally unfair after reversing burden of proof The case of the missing dollar: Arbitrator’s decision found procedurally unfair after reversing burden of proof
Expression of preliminary findings by an administrative body does not necessarily indicate a reasonable apprehension of bias Expression of preliminary findings by an administrative body does not necessarily indicate a reasonable apprehension of bias
Jurisdiction and process do matter; police sergeant wins case against the Police Complaint Commissioner Jurisdiction and process do matter; police sergeant wins case against the Police Complaint Commissioner
Federal Court of Appeal upholds decision that the Minister of Health did not deny the appellant procedural fairness in refusing a natural health product license
Is a business licence being renewed, revoked or granted?  Turns out it matters
Is a business licence being renewed, revoked or granted?  Turns out it matters Is a business licence being renewed, revoked or granted? Turns out it matters
Saskatchewan Court of Appeal holds University of Saskatchewan Council was bound by their own internal regulations and failure to follow the regulations in this instance lead to a finding of a denial of procedural fairness Saskatchewan Court of Appeal holds University of Saskatchewan Council was bound by their own internal regulations and failure to follow the regulations in this instance lead to a finding of a denial of procedural fairness
Finding of professional misconduct reversed on basis that College failed to specific elements of allegation in citation Finding of professional misconduct reversed on basis that College failed to specific elements of allegation in citation
That’s reasonable, right? The standard of review regarding questions of procedural fairness met by an administrative decision maker is not correctness, but rather whether the standard of fairness required by the common law has been met
That’s reasonable, right? The standard of review regarding questions of procedural fairness met by an administrative decision maker is not correctness, but rather whether the standard of fairness required by the common law has been met That’s reasonable, right? The standard of review regarding questions of procedural fairness met by an administrative decision maker is not correctness, but rather whether the standard of fairness required by the common law has been met
College’s decision to terminate physician’s assessment was reasonable given concerns about patient safety
College’s decision to terminate physician’s assessment was reasonable given concerns about patient safety College’s decision to terminate physician’s assessment was reasonable given concerns about patient safety
Government employee attacks internal hiring decision without success Government employee attacks internal hiring decision without success
Court upholds penalties for a City Councillor who sexually harassed a colleague Court upholds penalties for a City Councillor who sexually harassed a colleague
Prevented from being able to practice: Ontario Court allowed an appeal from a decision of the registration committee of the Ontario Association of Architects granting the appellant a license but refusing to reinstate his certificate of practice
Judicial review prior to conclusion of administrative proceeding not allowed on allegation of bias alone
Judicial review prior to conclusion of administrative proceeding not allowed on allegation of bias alone Judicial review prior to conclusion of administrative proceeding not allowed on allegation of bias alone
Off duty conduct must be carefully assessed before concluding it warrants disciplinary action Off duty conduct must be carefully assessed before concluding it warrants disciplinary action
A principal’s isolated misconduct did not justify a demotion A principal’s isolated misconduct did not justify a demotion
It’s all relative – what it takes for a decision maker to discharge its duty of procedural fairness depends on a determination of the level of procedural fairness required in the specific circumstances It’s all relative – what it takes for a decision maker to discharge its duty of procedural fairness depends on a determination of the level of procedural fairness required in the specific circumstances
The standard of review for jurisdictional questions under the Manufactured Home Park Tenancy Act is patent unreasonableness The standard of review for jurisdictional questions under the Manufactured Home Park Tenancy Act is patent unreasonableness
Reasonable for panel to sanction medical student for leaving medical records in a dumpster
Reasonable for panel to sanction medical student for leaving medical records in a dumpster Reasonable for panel to sanction medical student for leaving medical records in a dumpster
Procedural fairness requires notice of potential timeliness issues Procedural fairness requires notice of potential timeliness issues
Court confirms no breach of procedural fairness rights in party not being able to cross-examine witness when party had not specifically requested to do so
Court confirms no breach of procedural fairness rights in party not being able to cross-examine witness when party had not specifically requested to do so Court confirms no breach of procedural fairness rights in party not being able to cross-examine witness when party had not specifically requested to do so
You don’t get a second kick at the can – all evidence and issues one wishes to raise within administrative proceedings should be raised with the administrative decision-maker and may be disregarded by reviewing courts You don’t get a second kick at the can – all evidence and issues one wishes to raise within administrative proceedings should be raised with the administrative decision-maker and may be disregarded by reviewing courts