Posts tagged Professional misconduct or conduct unbecoming

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Judicial Review is not a venue for vindication
Judicial Review is not a venue for vindication Judicial Review is not a venue for vindication
A professional’s Charter right to freedom of expression falls short against his professional obligations in protecting him from undergoing mandatory training to remediate his public statements
A professional’s Charter right to freedom of expression falls short against his professional obligations in protecting him from undergoing mandatory training to remediate his public statements A professional’s Charter right to freedom of expression falls short against his professional obligations in protecting him from undergoing mandatory training to remediate his public statements
Court addresses application of principles governing judicial discipline
Court addresses application of principles governing judicial discipline Court addresses application of principles governing judicial discipline
Court dismisses appeal of physician seeking to overturn decision to not renew privileges
You make the rules, or else you have to play fair: a society is entitled to create its own procedures, and in doing so may violate some principles of natural justice, as long as it does so expressly in its bylaws
You make the rules, or else you have to play fair: a society is entitled to create its own procedures, and in doing so may violate some principles of natural justice, as long as it does so expressly in its bylaws You make the rules, or else you have to play fair: a society is entitled to create its own procedures, and in doing so may violate some principles of natural justice, as long as it does so expressly in its bylaws
Jurisdiction and process do matter; police sergeant wins case against the Police Complaint Commissioner Jurisdiction and process do matter; police sergeant wins case against the Police Complaint Commissioner
Finding of professional misconduct reversed on basis that College failed to specific elements of allegation in citation Finding of professional misconduct reversed on basis that College failed to specific elements of allegation in citation
Court upholds penalties for a City Councillor who sexually harassed a colleague Court upholds penalties for a City Councillor who sexually harassed a colleague
Did the appellant “promptly and completely” reply to the Law Society of Ontario (respondent) during an investigation into the appellant’s law firm that focused on the firm’s structure and referral fee practices?
It’s all fair game: the scope of an investigation ordered pursuant to British Columbia Law Society Rule 4-55 encompasses a broad investigation of the member’s entire legal practice and is not limited to the concerns that triggered the investigation
It’s all fair game: the scope of an investigation ordered pursuant to British Columbia Law Society Rule 4-55 encompasses a broad investigation of the member’s entire legal practice and is not limited to the concerns that triggered the investigation It’s all fair game: the scope of an investigation ordered pursuant to British Columbia Law Society Rule 4-55 encompasses a broad investigation of the member’s entire legal practice and is not limited to the concerns that triggered the investigation
Determination of internal standard of review of an administrative tribunal following Vavilov Determination of internal standard of review of an administrative tribunal following Vavilov
Judicial review prior to conclusion of administrative proceeding not allowed on allegation of bias alone
Judicial review prior to conclusion of administrative proceeding not allowed on allegation of bias alone Judicial review prior to conclusion of administrative proceeding not allowed on allegation of bias alone
Off duty conduct must be carefully assessed before concluding it warrants disciplinary action Off duty conduct must be carefully assessed before concluding it warrants disciplinary action
A principal’s isolated misconduct did not justify a demotion A principal’s isolated misconduct did not justify a demotion
Court upholds revocation of physician’s licence after repeated care and conduct concerns over a lengthy period of time
Reasonable for panel to sanction medical student for leaving medical records in a dumpster
Reasonable for panel to sanction medical student for leaving medical records in a dumpster Reasonable for panel to sanction medical student for leaving medical records in a dumpster